One comment that we hear repeatedly from teachers is how nice it is to have programs like this come to them. A lot of school districts are watching every dollar now days and field trips cost MONEY. We eliminate the need to get the kids out of class, no bussing, fuel, or chaperones.
John and his son, Will, are life-long Entomologists and Naturalists. John started 45+ years ago and has never lost his love of bugs. John has put his degrees in Communication and Biology to work in creating BUGS-R-US Educational Services. 19 years ago, when Will was 3, they started to collect insects together. Combined, they now have a MASSIVE collection of over 2600 different species of insects on display from all over the globe. There also is an ever growing collection of LIVE insects in their private zoo. These vary from season to season but usually include a Rose Hair Tarantula, Australian stick insects, American walking sticks, Hissing Cockroaches, Brazilian flying cockroaches, Blue-Berry colored "Death Feighning" Beetles, a Vinegaroon (whipscorpion), praying mantids, millipedes, etc. Due to popular demand, BUGS-R-US has BRANCHED out and now offers a total of 30 different Science-based Educational PORTABLE presentations. They have worked with all sorts of agencies to educate the public: US Forest Service, BLM, Army Corps of Engineers, State of Oregon, VA Administration, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Science works, ALL school districts and ALL local cities covering 9 counties in 2 states.
All programs are aligned with Oregon State Educational Standards as well as National Science Education Standards.